Hello lovely friends
I am not accustomed of having my friends cook when I have them over but today there is a friend here on the blog and she IS cooking.
Most of my protein meals include fish nowadays so my dear friend Vasso of i-messy decided to cook a salmon plate for me and my readers.
Here’s the recipe:
What you’ll need
500g linguini
300g sliced smoked salmon
400ml milk cream
4 small tender zucchini
Olive oil
One garlic clove
Fresh milled black pepper
What to do
In a pan with salted water boil your linguini for 8 minutes approximately. When they are ready strain them and sprinkle them with some slightly heated virgin olive oil.
Slice the zucchinis in small squares. In a nonstick frying pan put some olive oil and the garlic clove and then add the sliced zucchinis in a medium heat until they are somewhat dry.
When they are ready, finish them off with vodka. As soon as the vodka evaporates add the milk cream and stir until the sauce is firm. Turn off the heat and add the anise and the pepper as you stir.
Serve the linguini with the sauce and add the salmon on top.
Bon appetite!!!!
Smouts (or should I say slourp?) for now!