Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Of course, there’s no tried and true test for whether or not a person is creative. You might think you are and others disagree - and vice versa! There’s no checklist, but it’s fair to say that a vivid imagination and an ability to visualize things as you want them to be is a pretty important component.
When it comes to your home, it’s the perfect outlet for that creative streak. The walls are your canvas, the paintbrush is your tool, and your decorative touches are the finishing touches that turn the mundane into a masterpiece. You might be ability to craft and DIY creations from memory, or perhaps you can envision the way a room should be in a way that other people just can’t.
In a world that focuses on trends, what’s hot, what’s not, and everything else that is just a way of saying “this is what other people think you should do” - there’s a chance that creativity can be stifled. If you find yourself hankering for something different, a change, a version of your home that is yours and conforms to no standards but your own… then there might just be something you can do about it.
Small Ideas
If you can’t make big wholesale changes for constraints of time, budget, or practicality, then keep it small.
If you find a piece of decor - anything from an ornament to a lamp - that you love in a store, challenge yourself to make your own version. There’s nothing wrong with taking a bit of inspiration from the masters!
Do something unconventional with furniture because you think it might work. ‘Bedroom’ and ‘living room’ furniture, for example, can be interchangeable if you have an idea of how to style it right.
Medium Ideas
If you’ve got a bit more budget and want to really stretch yourself, then you have even more options.
Be bold with what you create. Have you ever considered learning a new form of art? It could be something more regular like sewing or something completely unusual like glassblowing. Knowing the effort that’s gone into creating the pieces in your home will help to scratch the creative itch.
If you’re struggling for space in your current home, you could consider a small extension. One of the best areas to expand is the bathroom or the kitchen; practical rooms that you can put a creative stamp onto.
Big Ideas
If your home design and decor needs aren’t being met with what others come up with for you, then maybe your next house move could be as tailored as it gets. It’s more reasonable than you’d expect to find custom home builders and come up with a brand new house plan that’s just for you.
A complete garden overhaul could be just what you need to feel the creativity running free. You could convert to a Japanese-style Zen garden, or even repurpose the space for something entirely different - a workshed for crafting or even a log cabin as an extra space without having to worry about an extension.
If you would rather make the design rules than follow them, there’s an option to suit every budget - now all you have to do is think up how to make it work!
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