Montessori gardening party favors
This post was written almost a year ago, after my daughter's parties for her second birthday! Yes plural, yes there where two of them. We held one for the family and a second one for our friends, since our house is not big enough for 50 people, lol. I wanted both parties to be great but in all honesty working a full time job and parenting a toddler doesn’t leave much free time for party planning. So we decided to order in the food but I did bake her sugar free birthday cake on the day of her birthday.
I really could not bring myself not being involved at all, though, so I put on my crafting skills in good use and came up with these Montessori gardening party favors to give to her friends. We expected 11 kids aged 1-7 so I bought supplies for 12 kids.
Now, it’s customary to give a small toy at the end of the party, to thank the kid for the honor of his/hers presence. It crossed my mind to crochet some amigurumi monsters for the kids but again I was faced with lack of time.
Then I remembered asking my kid what kind of decoration she wanted for her party and she said flowers. So I came up with the idea of turning the kids into little gardeners! Here’s how I made the Montessori gardening party favors for her little gardeners friends!
Montessori gardening party favors
12 small terracotta pots
Flowers seeds (you will need 3-4 seeds for each pot)
Pumice stones for draining
6 pieces of tissue paper cut into halves
24 paper cut hearts (or just paper from an office cube)
Bakers twine
Small gardening shovel
How to
Gather your supplies.
Open up the small paper bags. You are going to fill then with the soil. Use one of the pots to measure the amount of soil you are going to need and empty it into each bag.
Close the bag carefully and put in the craft paper gift bag.
Using the pot, you now have to measure the pumice stones. You need them to cover the bottom of the pot.
Empty the pumice stone onto the tissue paper, and wrap them with it.
Add the terracotta pots into each of the gift bags.
Montessori gardening party favors
Put the tissue paper containing the pumice stones into the pot.
Now it’s time to make a small package for our seeds. I bought three types of seeds but one of them was so small I didn’t use them in fear of them getting lost.
I used my heart puncher to make some hearts out of paper. I then bend them in half and create a short of cone.
I taped the sides together and added the seeds.
I taped the sides together and added the seeds.
I wrote down the name of the flower and closed the opening by bending it down and taping it. You can just make a small envelope from your paper and write the name of the flower on the outside.
Each bag should contain a bad with soil, a terracotta pot, some pumice stones and the seeds.
Write the names of the kids on another piece of paper ( I used my heart shaped paper cuts once more) along with a thank you and staple it into the gift bag.
Add some bakers twine and you are set! Your Montessori gardening party favors are ready to be given!
I love that this is a sustainable and plastic free gift and that it teaches them a skill. Also they can learn to water them and later on maybe even transfer them into a larger planter.
This is also a very frugal way to a party favor. I spend less than 1 euro for each gift.
It’s also something kids will do with their parents so in my book that’s always a win. Kids don’t really need expensive toys, they need quality time with their loved ones. They need their parents to disconnect from the wifi and connect with their kids.
I hope my party favors helped our friends spend some quality time with their kids. We had a great time at the parties and Natalia was super excited to see all her friends!
If you don't have time to make these favors or just want a small garden for you kid and don't know how to make it, has the perfect little planter with organic seeds and compost to make your life easier!

In a few short weeks we are going to be celebrating her 3rd birthday! I still haven't decided what to make this year but I'll hopefully post it on time, lol!