Ah, moving day. The excitement of new beginnings mixed with the chaos of packing. Now, add a downpour to the mix. Sounds like a plot twist, right? Moving out on a rainy day is definitely not ideal, but it doesn't have to be a complete disaster either. If you’re an apartment dweller, a family moving out, or a senior relocating, we've got tips to keep you dry and sane. This post will offer practical tips to manage your move smoothly, despite the weather.

Preparing for the rainy move

Check the Weather Forecast

Why you should start your day by playing meteorologist? Because knowing what to expect can save you from a lot of headaches. Checking the weather forecast should be your first step. You can use apps like AccuWeather or websites like the Met Office for accurate predictions. Knowing when the rain is likely to be heaviest can help you plan your day more effectively and adapt with your hired removalists when to arrive.


Packing Smart

Plastic is your best friend, and cardboard is your worst enemy. While cardboard boxes are usually a go-to for moving, they won't hold up well in the rain. Instead, opt for plastic bins and waterproof bags. For particularly sensitive items like electronics, double-bag them to ensure they stay dry. You might also want to consider using Ziplock bags for smaller items.

Rain Gear Ready

Fashion meets function on moving day. Equip yourself and your team with raincoats, water proof boots, and umbrellas. You could even get creative with old towels and sheets to cover your items as you move them. This will not only keep your belongings dry but also prevent any water from seeping into the moving truck while you're loading your belongings.

Protecting Your Belongings

Waterproof Wrapping

Your couch deserves a raincoat too. Use tarps, plastic wrap, and even garbage bags to protect your furniture and other bulky items from the rain. These materials are relatively inexpensive and can save you from a lot of damage and stress.

Floor Protection

Preventing the indoors from becoming a slip-and-slide is crucial for everyone's safety. Lay down old blankets, towels, rubber mats or plastic sheeting to cover your floors. This will not only protect your flooring but also provide a safe path for your movers to tread on.

Priority Packing

First in, last out, but dry. Load fragile and essential items last to make sure they stay dry. This way, you can unload them first and get them inside as quickly as possible. It’s a small step, but it can make a big difference.

Loading and Unloading in the Rain

Efficient Teamwork

Rainy days call for a team effort. Coordination and communication are key to getting everything done swiftly and safely. Start by assigning roles based on strengths, have someone acting as the 'runner' to ferry items between the moving truck and your home, while another 'organizer' makes sure everything is packed and unpacked systematically. This approach can also help minimize the time your items are exposed to the rain. Having a moving team on the day who's goal is to get the job done like the team at Uni Movers can make all the difference too. 

Don’t forget to take short breaks to dry off and re-energize. A quick warm-up session with hot drinks can go a long way in keeping morale high and everyone comfortable. After all, teamwork makes the dream work, even on the soggiest of days!

Quick Transfers

Speed is key, but safety first. Move items quickly from your house to the moving truck without compromising on safety. If possible, set up a canopy or tent to provide some shelter during the transfer. This will also keep your paths clear and prevent any muddy mess.

Keeping Everyone Safe During the Move

Slippery When Wet

Staying upright in the downpour is no joke. Wear non-slip shoes and clear walkways of mud and water. This will help prevent any nasty falls and keep everyone safe. If you find areas along the loading and unloading path starting to accumulate water, assign someone the job to mop up the area and keep water to a minimum. This will prevent any disasters from playing out.

Handling Heavy Items

No heroics, just smart moves on rainy days. Rain makes it hard to keep your grip on heavy items so use dollies and moving straps to handle heavy items. Make sure to lift with your legs, not your back, and always have someone to help with team lifts. It's always better to have an extra person to help lift any heavy furniture. If it usually takes three people on a dry day to lift a 6 seater timber dining table, try getting four or five people to help on a rainy day to take the load off everyone.

Cleaning Up After Moving

Drying Off Your Belongings

The great drying out begins. To ensure your new home stays fresh and free from moisture-related issues, set up a dedicated drying area. Equip this space with fans and dehumidifiers to efficiently dry out any damp items. This proactive step will help prevent mold from setting in, protecting your belongings and maintaining a healthy living environment.

Cleaning Up the Mud

Nobody likes muddy footprints. Once everything is inside, take a moment to assess the situation. Begin by mopping the floors thoroughly to remove any mud and water from wet shoes during the move. Next, wipe down all surfaces, including countertops, tables, and door handles, to ensure no dirt is left behind. Gather all the wet clothes and towels, and launder them promptly to ensure everything is fresh and clean. 

Staying Positive and Embracing the Chaos


A Little Rain Never Hurt Anyone

And finally, remember that a little rain never hurt anyone! Embrace the chaos and look for the silver lining and after all, moving in the rain can make for some unforgettable memories and even a few laughs. After the moving company is long gone and you've settled in your new home ready to design that cozy den, the rain will just be another funny story to tell. Share a warm meal with your team to celebrate the successful move, rain and all. Who knows, you might even find yourself looking back on that rainy day with a smile, appreciating the teamwork and perseverance that got you through. Stay positive and remember being optimistic about the situation will help spread the optimism to your moving team.

Celebratory Warm Drink

After weathering the rain and successfully settling into your new home, there's no better way to wrap up the day than with a celebratory warm drink. Gather everyone in your new living space and brew up a big pot of hot chocolate, mulled cider, or even a comforting cup of tea. Light up the fire place or crank up the heater. Create a cozy atmosphere by lighting some candles or turning on a gentle lamp. As you all sit together sipping your warm drinks, take this moment to reflect on the day's achievements and share some laughter over the quirks and mishaps experienced. Sharing a nice hot drink not only warms the body but also the spirit, reinforcing the camaraderie built during the move. 


Moving in the rain may not be ideal, but with a positive outlook and proper preparations, it can certainly be managed successfully. By following the practical tips we've outlined, protecting your belongings, working efficiently as a team, and keeping safety front and center, you're well on your way to completing a successful move whether it rains or shine. And remember, it's all about embracing the moment. A rainy moving day could be the start of many fond memories in your new home. It’s an opportunity to bond with your family friends and moving team, have a few laughs, and prove to yourself that life is all about these moments not matter what challenges are thrown your way. So, get your wet weather gear on, embrace that rainy day move and just think about how you're going to enjoy that warm drink, relax, and enjoy the new chapter of your life in your cozy new space.